We are all faced with challenges — challenges that test and move us from a place of certainty to the unknown. How we respond during adverse experiences affects the outcome(s) we are seeking.
It’s time to move beyond fear and the self-inflicted objections that are holding you back. What do you envision for your life? What is it that makes your heart happy? What is getting in your way? Now is the time to start listening to your inner self and make your dreams a reality.
Let’s discover together.
Work With Me
Transform Your Vision Today

I love collaborating with heart-centered women – women who want to fully express their authentic selves and move beyond self-imposed limitations.
Be it personal or professional, many of us are faced with challenges that test and move us from a place of certainty to the unknown. The way in which we respond to – and the language we choose during adverse experiences is instrumental to the outcome(s) we are seeking.
You have the innate ability to design a luminous life filled with joy, fulfillment and prosperity.
I can inspire you to live a life of abundance, mindfulness and intentionality so you can shine YOUR light.

In 2007 – right before the Great Recession – I started my first business. It was a daunting time, and I was steeped in fear. Unlike peers in my competitive space who had clients prior to inception, I took a leap without one client to call my own.
Year one production was less than $50K; years two through eight, I produced $1M-$4M annually; years 9 through 12, I consistently produced $5M-$9.5M. In 2019, I had a record-breaking year of contracted business in excess of $33M!
Over the course of 13 years, I have only made one cold-call. All of my business, with the exception of that very first call, has been referred. I owe my success to being intentional and having a clear vision.
Let me inspire you to create a thriving business and continue to stay relevant as you develop confidence and explore your talents to the fullest.

If you have been struggling with speaking up for yourself, negotiation coaching can help you become more assertive, overcome your obstacles and realize your natural ability to succeed.
One important aspect of self-advocacy is to practice language mindfulness. Are you currently crafting language that ‘moves’ you into the direction of your vision? Or are you self-sabotaging your efforts without even knowing it?
You can actualize the opportunities you have been seeking by authentically delivering your message and staying in your power.
I can coach you on how to self-advocate for a job promotion, raise, new career opportunity, etc., and empower you to use your voice.